As we can see on the image above, A (left sidebending rotation) both Sphenoid and Occipital bones are rotating towards the left (YAW).
Both Sphenoid and Occipital bones are rotating towards the bottom left side (ROLL) and the maxilla is moving towards the upper left side.
When wearing the MCB splint, the Sphenoid and Occipital bones that rotated towards the left, slowly rotates its way up, and the upper jaw rotates down towards the left. Balancing the level with a descending movement is indicated by palpation. It can be seen that not only this bone, but also the palpable frontal bone, parietal bone, cheekbone, mandible, ethmoid, and temporal bone moves in different directions.
Till this day, with the orthodontic treatment, the misalignment of the Sphenoid and Occipital bones cannot be treated. For slopes where the left side is raised, the treatment is performed by raising the right side up by using a orthodontic screw. If the right side is raised like this, the treatment will work successfully. The reason behind this is that it raises the Sphenoid bone that was previously raised already. This is because the Sphenoid bone is likely to move well towards the wrong direction.
This treatment works in the opposite direction for it to find its natural movement. If it is treated in the opposite direction, the skull will be misaligned. In conclusion, it is not recommended to do this treatment because it tends to distort the skull.
As we can see on the image above, B (left torsion) is a case where the left side of the Sphenoid bone and maxilla is rotating upwards and the left side of the Occipital bone is rotating downwards. During the period of an orthodontic treatment, the right side which went down, is raised up by using an orthodontic screw due to the orthodontic treatment. In this case, the treatment levels out slower than the image of A (left sidebending rotation). This is because it treats in the opposite direction towards the wrong direction. The Sphenoid bone and maxilla should be treated in the direction that the raised left side is lowered. When the movement of the Sphenoid bone improves, you can feel the left side coming down as palpation. Contrary to the natural movement, any treatment that raises the right side using an orthodontic screw should not be performed.
The treatment methods above is described only for the case of ROLL.
Skull that is twisted in 3 dimensions such as rotation (YAW) and pitch (PITCH)
It should and must be treated by using an MCB splint.
The above treatment method is only described for the case of ROLL.
Skull that is twisted in 3 dimensions such as rotation (YAW) and pitch (PITCH)
It is treated using MCB splin